13. June 2017 0 By Eva Pfannerstill

AQABA is a research cruise that examines the impact of air pollution on public health, the climate and the environment in the Arabian Basin. It is a joint project of Max Planck Institute for Chemistry from Mainz, Germany, The Cyprus Institute, The King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Thuwal, Saudi-Arabia, as well as partner institutions from France, the United Kingdom, the United States, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates. The journey will start from Toulon, France on June 25th sailing via the Red Sea through the Arabian Gulf to Kuwait and back to Toulon. The whole trip is expected to take 9 1/2 weeks.

This blog follows ca. 30 researchers who will be measuring all kinds of air chemistry – e.g. particles, greenhouse gases, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and radicals, as well as other meteorological data.